Finding an Ecstatic Dance Can Be Hard! Here are some I know of in the Norcal area. I would love to expand this list so if you know of one that meets regularly let me know, and I will add it to the list. I included 5Rythams and contact improv on this list too, due to the communities overlapping a lot and the dance styles being similar.
Goddesses Night Out: Monthly Women's Dances and Semi-Annual Men and Women Dances
Ecstatic Dance Midtown-Sac: Every Third Friday of the Month
5Rythams Dance: Wednesdays and Sundays
Centering Dance: 4th Tuesday of the Month
Nevada City:
We Dance Sunday: Most Sundays - check to confirm
Ecstatic Dance Nevada City: Every Tuesday Evening
Contact Improv: every Thursday
Contact Improv: every 4th Saturday
Besides finding community within a hobby, the power of an ecstatic dance is another reason I recommend checking out a dance near you!